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Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT: Revolutionizing Conversations

                 In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides, enabling machines to understand and respond to human language like never before. One of the most remarkable achievements in this field is ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI. With its ability to engage in natural and coherent conversations, ChatGPT has ushered in a new era of human-machine interaction. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating capabilities of ChatGPT and discuss its diverse range of applications across various industries.   he Birth of ChatGPT : ChatGPT, built upon the foundation of the groundbreaking GPT-3.5 architecture, represents the culmination of years of research and development in natural language processing. Trained on vast amounts of text data, ChatGPT has achieved an impressive level of proficiency in understanding and generating human-like text. Its underlying neural netwo...

What is Manhood?

What is Manhood?

The society, since its inception, has produced many typical creatures. The man, among superior to them is extraordinary. Needless desires of surpassing all its competitors have also sidelined its own kind, the 'mankind'. Mankind is very much different from the literal essence of 'manhood'. While the former preaches social harmony and humanity above all, the latter confines humans as gender slaves. Over the time as our liberal thought trumps over the narrow patriarch understanding, we too sought to reformulate 'manhood' from 'mankind'.
'Manhood' defines the transformation of a child into a full-grown muscular beard man. But that's not enough to define it when approaching social stigma relating to gender biases. While we assured our ancient thought through moderation, we lacked the obligation to look deeper into its necessity. Our orthodox mentality forbids the great change to accommodate our own persecuted section. The thinking preached by colonial religious authorities to domesticate women and other weaker of its own class is of no value today. Being male isn't being a real man.

Man is where manly arms are! Ideal characteristics of a man lie in compassionate fatherliness. Expressing manhood is more about being just opposite to it. Humans are the finest creation of God, and we must seek what God wants from us rather trying to portray being a God. Archetypal manhood is where a man tries to protect anything irrespective of personal interest. The holiness in protecting the weaker is more of manhood. A true man must seek justice for all and tender help at all conditions. The morality of a person defines how perfect he is. The truthfulness and courage to face the situation to protect the good define how man a person is. Manhood isn't just about male its branches tend to all sexes. A literal 'woman' can also have traits of manhood if the ideal characters lie.

Forcing one's gender on another, performing polygamy isn't what defines a man. Up from sexual abuse of woman and child to discrimination of LGBT is heinous. Incidents like #Metoo or #Notinmyname puts a serious question on our obligation to bring change. While those perpetrators aren't the sure man, but the victims and civil societies coming up are showing the traits of 'manhood'. Killing in the name of religion, caste, sex or dominating the weaker is no moral and have least to do with it.

Although the definition of manhood can't be changed from the glossary, it's time to reshape its essence. Manhood isn't overbearing, it's accommodating all in one vessel towards humanity.


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